Category Archives: Data Type

Evaluating Olympic Technology Development: Use of Literature Analysis Based on Science Citation Index

As one of the three concepts which Beijing Olympics executed, “Hi-tech Olympics” policy provided satisfactory technical support and security guarantee for the Olympic Games from beginning to end. To provide support to assess the science and technology development of the 29th Olympic Games and other national key projects, this paper analyzes keywords, disciplines and states distribution of SCI literature with the background of Hi-tech Olympic policy by using bibliometrics, literature analysis and technology roadmapping, then extracts and establishes an evaluation framework which can be used in technology development evaluation in view of other national key projects like Olympics. Continue reading Evaluating Olympic Technology Development: Use of Literature Analysis Based on Science Citation Index

Technological foresight—the use of biotechnology in the development of new drugs against breast cancer

The aim of the study is to demonstrate knowledge and information management as a mechanism for developing technological foresight regarding the use of biotechnology in drugs for breast cancer. The methodology applies competitive intelligence (CI) tools to identify international trends concerning drugs for treatment and/or diagnosis, and to identify leading institutions. Continue reading Technological foresight—the use of biotechnology in the development of new drugs against breast cancer

Biodegradable Polymers: Sectorial Overview and Prospects

This work on biodegradable polymers involved an analysis of patents to identify indicators for evaluating the prospects and opportunities of action in the field of polymers. We used the Spacenet database and VantagePoint software. Continue reading Biodegradable Polymers: Sectorial Overview and Prospects

Is there a shift to “active nanostructures”?

It has been suggested that an important transition in the long-run trajectory of nanotechnology development is a shift from passive to active nanostructures. Such a shift could present different or increased societal impacts and require new approaches for risk assessment. An active nanostructure ‘‘changes or evolves its state during its operation,’’ according to the National Science Foundation’s (2006) Active Nanostructures and Nanosystems grant solicitation. Continue reading Is there a shift to “active nanostructures”?

Literature-related discovery (LRD): Potential treatments for Multiple Sclerosis

Literature-related discovery (LRD) is the linking of two or more literature concepts that have heretofore not been linked (i.e., disjoint), in order to produce novel, interesting, plausible, and intelligible knowledge (i.e., potential discovery). The open discovery systems (ODS) component of LRD starts with a problem to be solved, and generates solutions to that problem through potential discovery. Continue reading Literature-related discovery (LRD): Potential treatments for Multiple Sclerosis

Profiling Leading Scientists in Nano-Biomedical Science: Interdisciplinarity and Potential Leading Indicators of Research Directions

Nano-biomedical science (NBMS) is a promising area in the application of nanotechnology. This paper profiles a group of 21 leading scientists in nanobiomedicine based on high publication rate and high citations.  Comparisons with other researchers indicate that the leaders publish more in high impact journals and collaborate more extensively (team science).

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Mining Conference Proceedings for Corporate Technology Knowledge Management

An organization’s knowledge gained through technical conference attendance is generally isolated to the individual(s) attending the event. The aggregate corporate knowledge is extremely limited, unless the organization institutes a process to document and transfer that knowledge to the organization. Even if such a process exists, the knowledge gains are limited to the experiences and communication skills of the individuals attending the conference.

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Enriching Literature Reviews with Computer-Assisted Research Mining.

In this paper we discuss and demonstrate how traditional literature reviews may be enriched by computer-assisted research profiling. Research profiling makes use of sophisticated text-mining tools designed for structured science and technology information resources, such as the ISI Web of Science, INSPEC or ABI/INFORM ProQuest.

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What, Who and Where: Insights into Personalization (full-text)

Research Question: Who are the most prolific authors, universities in this field? What are the research themes? Which are the most important journals/conferences? Are there any research gaps in this field? What are the emergent streams of research in this field

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Assessment of Brazil’s Research Literature (Full-text)

This report identifies the science and technology (S&T) core competencies of Brazil. After a brief background on Brazil’s R&D infrastructure and funding, it analyzes analyzes tens of thousands of research papers by Brazilian authors drawn from global databases [Science Citation Index (“SCI”) and Social Science Citation Index (“SSCI”), and the EI Compendex (“EC”)]. It also explores additional metrics and presentations to enrich the model and facilitate user access to the S&T intelligence they seek.

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