Tag Archives: Brazil

Collaboration in science and technology organizations of the public sector: A network perspective

Engaging in collaborative networks can be an important facilitator of innovation for public sector science and technology (S&T) organizations. It is also an important component of S&T policies that require indicators that can assess the networks through which these organizations innovate. In this study, we apply network indicators to two S&T organizations that are part of the Brazilian public health sector. The indicators cover two complementary perspectives: one that considers the organizations’ scientific networks and the other that considers their technological networks. The indicators allowed the analysis of the networks in which the organizations were engaged and the understanding of important aspects of their collaboration patterns that can support strategic decisions. The method employed in this paper proved to be a valuable diagnostic tool and a useful mechanism for evaluating the performance and supporting the development of S&T institutions.


Author(s): Bruna P. F. Fonseca, Elton Fernandes and Marcus V. A. Fonseca
Organization(s): Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, (Fiocruz)
Source: Science and Public Policy
Year: 2016

A preliminary bibliometric study of literature on performance measurement and library management

This paper presents preliminary findings from the bibliometric study on performance measurement and library science. The purpose is to identify which are the most influential authors on the subject. The database used was the Web of Science. The keywords used covered two topics: firstly, performance measure, performance measurement, performance evaluation, performance indicator and performance assessment, and secondly, library management, library assessment and libraries. The category selected was Information Science and Library Science and some exclusion criteria were used to filter the results, totaling 138 papers. The analysis was conducted by the number of publications per year, frequently cited papers, frequently cited journals and keywords.

Author(s): Milena Celere and Glauco Henrique de Sousa Mendes
Organization(s): Sao Paulo University, Federal University of Sao Carlos
Source: Proceedings of the 10th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services
Year: 2014

Nanoparticles applied to antineoplastic agents: a patent landscape

Recently, research in the field of cancer nanotechnology has made notable progress, and, with the fast development of nanomaterials, new treatment strategies using nanoparticles are being explored that have the potential to overcome existing problems. The present review focuses on patenting as a key indicator of trends in nanoparticles with applications in the treatment of cancer. The impact of cancer on health and the use of nanoparticles are briefly described. Next, a survey of patents filed in the last 14 years is presented, the patents granted in the last four years are identified, and the focus areas of the main applicants are analyzed. The mix of targets identified for patented nanoparticles systems suggests that polymers and proteins are the main focus of the innovative efforts in this field.

Author(s): Iolanda M Fierro, Maria Simone de Menezes Alencar, Flavia Maria Lins Mendes, Cristina d’Urso de Souza Mendes, Bernardo Furtado Nunes, Adelaide Maria de Souza Antunes
Organization(s): National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI-Brazil), Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro
Source: Pharmaceutical Patent Analyst http://www.future-science.com
Year: 2014

Knowledge flows and bases in emerging economy innovation systems: Brazilian research 2005–2009

This article considers the role of domestic knowledge capabilities for developing countries and emerging economies, and in particular in the build-up of their national systems of innovation. Continue reading Knowledge flows and bases in emerging economy innovation systems: Brazilian research 2005–2009

Assessing nanocellulose developments using science and technology indicators

This research aims to examine scientific and technological trends of developments in nanocellulose based on scientometric and patent indicators obtained from the Science Citation Index and Derwent Innovations Index in 2001-2010. Continue reading Assessing nanocellulose developments using science and technology indicators

Use of Patent Applications as a Tool for Technology Development Investigations on Ethanol Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass in Brazil

The growing concerns regarding the future of global energy supplies have encouraged R&D in alternative sources to complement the global energy matrix. Brazil has earned notoriety as one of the largest producers of ethanol and biomass. Continue reading Use of Patent Applications as a Tool for Technology Development Investigations on Ethanol Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass in Brazil

Assessment of Non-Financial Criteria in the Selection of Investment Projects for Seed Capital Funding: the Contribution of Scientometrics and Patentometrics

The aim of this article is to assess the potential of using scientometric and patentometric indicators as a way of instrumentalizing the selection process of projects for seed capital funding. Continue reading Assessment of Non-Financial Criteria in the Selection of Investment Projects for Seed Capital Funding: the Contribution of Scientometrics and Patentometrics

On the Assignment of Biopharmaceutical Patents

This study focuses on the patent assignments for six selected biopharmaceuticals: filgrastim, infliximab, somatropin, imiglucerase, betainterferon and factor VIII. These very expensive proteins are not currently produced in Brazil, and their production would enhance Brazilian technological capacity. Accordingly, we characterized the current profiles of the patent holders for these proteins. Continue reading On the Assignment of Biopharmaceutical Patents

Technological Forecasting on Phytotherapics Development in Brazil

The prospective analysis is presented as an important tool to identify the most relevant opportunities and needs in research and development from planned interventions in innovation systems.   This study chose Phyllanthus niruri, known as “stone break” to
describe the knowledge about the specie, by using biotechnological forecasting through the software Vantage Point. It can be seen a considerable increase in studies on Phyllanthus niruri in recent years and that there are patents about this plant since twenty-five years ago. India was the country that most carried out research on the specie, showing interest, mainly in studies of hepatoprotection, antioxidant and anti-cancer activities. Brazil is in the second place, with special interest for anti-tumor studies. Given the identification of the Brazilian groups that exploit the species it is possible to mediate partnerships and cooperation aiming to help on the implementing of the Program of Herbal medicines (phytotherapics) in Brazil.

Author(s): Simões Evelyne Rolim Braun, Marques Lana Grasiela Alves, Soares Bruno Marques Pinheiro, Daniel Pascoalino, Santos Maria Rita Morais Chaves, Pessoa Claudia
Organization(s): Departamento de Fisiologia e Farmacologia, Universidade Federal do Ceará; Universidade Federal do Piauí, Núcleo de Inovaçao Tencnológica
Source: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Year: 2012

[dlprotect file=”www_waset_org_journals_waset_v67_v67-23.pdf” visibility=”private”] Download Full-text

Enabling Policy Planning and Innovation Management through Patent Information and Co-Authorship Network Analyses: A Study of Tuberculosis in Brazil

New tools and approaches are necessary to facilitate public policy planning and foster the management of innovation in countries’ public health systems. To this end, an understanding of the integrated way in which the various actors who produce scientific knowledge and inventions in technological areas of interest operate, where they are located and how they relate to one another is of great relevance. Tuberculosis has been chosen as a model for the present study as it is a current challenge for Brazilian research and innovation. Continue reading Enabling Policy Planning and Innovation Management through Patent Information and Co-Authorship Network Analyses: A Study of Tuberculosis in Brazil