This is an incomplete guide for using VantagePoint scripts for network visualization on Pajek. You can contribute by sending comments / suggestions / etc. to Luciano at . Please, do not hesitate to send your comments! Continue reading Pajek Maps from VP Content – From VantagePoint network and list content to Pajek
Category Archives: Pajek
Mapping the Science of Waste Recycling
Extended Abstract – Science Mapping session at “1st Global TechMining Conference” 2011
Authors: Gaizka Garechana; Rosa Rio; Ernesto Cilleruelo; Javier Gavilanes
This abstract describes the method being followed by the authors to build a map of science on the field of waste recycling. Maps of science are visual, easily readable representations of the cognitive structure of a branch of science, a particular area of research or the global spectrum of scientific production. They are usually built upon reliable, well structured information sources like patent and scientific publication databases, and their usefulness lies in the simplicity and accuracy with which they provide an ”helicopter view” of the scientific field object of study, acting as a useful planning tool for policy and researching strategies. (Boyack et al. 2005) (Noyons 2005),
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Profiling Leading Scientists in Nano-Biomedical Science: Interdisciplinarity and Potential Leading Indicators of Research Directions
Nano-biomedical science (NBMS) is a promising area in the application of nanotechnology. This paper profiles a group of 21 leading scientists in nanobiomedicine based on high publication rate and high citations. Comparisons with other researchers indicate that the leaders publish more in high impact journals and collaborate more extensively (team science).