This chapter, Empirical Panorama: Renewable Energy Cooperation Between Brazil and India, which presents the main results obtained by the research and is divided into five sections. The first one presents data on the international acts signed jointly by Brazil and India concerning renewable energy. It also provides an analysis of documents resulting from the South-South meetings mainly regarding the participation of these two countries in multilateral groups. The second section tackles the renewable energy policies that have been established by Brazil and India in a period of over forty years. The third section brings the results of the scientific and technological mapping of Brazil and India based on the analysis of scientific publications. Furthermore, the patents filed by Brazil and India in renewables were mapped and a comparison was made between the scientific and technological production of both countries showing the main partnerships established between them. The fourth section presents the competitiveness indicators of the two countries based on the analysis of the competitiveness reports in a ten-year period: the indicators were compiled, compared and analyzed to identify elements that could promote or limit cooperation between Brazil and India. The fifth section presents the results of the primary research carried out with professionals from the academic, technical and political areas who work in one or more of these areas: energy, renewable energy, politics, international cooperation and international relations. All the data presented in the empirical panorama refer to the time period from 1945 to 2017/2018.
Author(s): Arrais de Miranda Mousinho
Organization(s): Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology (IFBA)
Source: Brazil-India Renewable Energy Cooperation
Year: 2021