On the Assignment of Biopharmaceutical Patents

This study focuses on the patent assignments for six selected biopharmaceuticals: filgrastim, infliximab, somatropin, imiglucerase, betainterferon and factor VIII. These very expensive proteins are not currently produced in Brazil, and their production would enhance Brazilian technological capacity. Accordingly, we characterized the current profiles of the patent holders for these proteins. Data mining techniques were used to simplify the screening and analysis of thousands of patent entries retrieved from data banks worldwide, using the International Patent Classification (IPC) codes A61K, A61P and C12N as a guide. A critical assessment of the historical evolution of biopharmaceutical patents and a geographic distribution analysis of their depositors conclude that individual depositors have a strong, growing influence on the overall patent assignment profile. Individual depositors file patents primarily in collaboration with companies, research centers or universities. We also concluded that, in the next few years, emerging or spin-offs companies will constitute an increasing share of the competitors of consolidated technology holders (Big Pharma companies, research centers and universities). This information may prove interesting for entrepreneurs involved in public, private or joint ventures regarding the fabrication of strategic biopharmaceuticals.

► Six biopharmaceuticals chosen for the patent study are from the Brazilian drug import list.
► Expensive proteins are not yet fabricated in Brazil (IPC codes A61K, A61P and C12N).
► A large share of Brazilian healthcare system import costs involves biopharmaceuticals.
► Big Pharma as well as individual inventors are among the major drug patent depositors.
► Emerging companies are forecasted to be major future holders of biopharmaceuticals patents.

Author(s):L.S. Madeiraa, S. Borschiverb, N. Pereira Jr.
Organizations(s):Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz); Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
Source: Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Year: 2012


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