Global concern about climate change and the increasing demand for energy has drawn the attention of scientists, policymakers and various other stakeholders to look for alternative sources of clean and renewable energy, especially transportation fuel. Continue reading Biodiesel: Innovation and Intellectual Property
Tag Archives: Brazil
Création de Systèmes d’Intelligence dans une Organisation de Recherche et Développement avec la Scientométrie et la Médiamétrie (Creation of Intelligence Systems in a Research and Development Organisation with Scientometrics and Mediametrics)
Ce travail est un trait d’union entre les sciences de l’information et de la communication. Une robuste méthodologie et des outils performants d’analyses bibliométriques sont utilisés pour des études scientométriques et médiamétriques. Pour cela, nous avons étudié la production scientifique d’une organisation publique de recherche et développement, l’Entreprise Brésilienne de Recherche Agronomique (Embrapa), les compétences de ses chercheurs et enfin nous avons évalué la performance de cette organisation et ses 40 centres de recherche dans les médias. Continue reading Création de Systèmes d’Intelligence dans une Organisation de Recherche et Développement avec la Scientométrie et la Médiamétrie (Creation of Intelligence Systems in a Research and Development Organisation with Scientometrics and Mediametrics)
Research and Development of Technologies for the Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Dengue Fever in Brazil and Beyond
Extended Abstract – MINING AND VISUALIZING LIFE SCIENCES session at “1st Global TechMining Conference” 2011
Author(s): Sebastiao Loureiro, Erika Aragao, Bethania Almeida, Taris Santana (Collective Health Institute (ISC),Federal University of Bahia(UFBA))
In 2009, the Brazilian government created the Dengue Network, a research system that aims to provide support for, as well as strengthen, the national effort with respect to the science, technology and innovation for the prevention, control and treatment of Dengue fever. In an effort to contribute to the Brazilian government’s strategies for research and technological development, this network has mapped the scientific and technological research performed worldwide for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of Dengue over the last decade. The most important institutions and researchers working in this area have also been identified. Continue reading Research and Development of Technologies for the Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Dengue Fever in Brazil and Beyond
Assessment of Brazil’s Research Literature (Full-text)
This report identifies the science and technology (S&T) core competencies of Brazil. After a brief background on Brazil’s R&D infrastructure and funding, it analyzes analyzes tens of thousands of research papers by Brazilian authors drawn from global databases [Science Citation Index (“SCI”) and Social Science Citation Index (“SSCI”), and the EI Compendex (“EC”)]. It also explores additional metrics and presentations to enrich the model and facilitate user access to the S&T intelligence they seek.
Continue reading Assessment of Brazil’s Research Literature (Full-text)