This article considers the role of domestic knowledge capabilities for developing countries and emerging economies, and in particular in the build-up of their national systems of innovation. Using bibliometric methods, we describe the geographic sources of knowledge and the users of Brazilian research in 2005–2009, and analyze the roles of domestic and foreign knowledge bases in it. Our results suggest that increasing reliance on domestic sources of knowledge is a feature of Brazil’s improved science and technology capabilities. The ascendancy of Brazil’s research informs us about the unfolding re-organization of global research, too, underlining nascent South-South knowledge flows, the prevailing relevance of EU research, and the relative decline of US research for Brazilian knowledge creation.
Author(s): Branco Ponomariov and Hannes Toivanen
Organization(s): University of Texas at San Antonio and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Source: Research Policy
Year: 2013