Category Archives: Data Type

Visualizing Geo-Spatial Data in Science, Technology and Innovation

Extended Abstract – NEW S,T&I VISUALIZATIONS  session at “1st Global TechMining Conference” 2011

Author(s):Scott W. Cunningham and J. H. Kwakkel (Delft University of Technology)

This paper provides a range of alternatives for analysts when dealing with geo-spatial data addressing activities in science, technology and innovation (STI). We address the theoretical role of regions and districts in innovation policy. We then discuss an evolving body of analytical methods for addressing theory and delivering useful policy advice. These analytical methods may be implemented using a range of tools. We discuss open source scripting languages and libraries in this paper. Continue reading Visualizing Geo-Spatial Data in Science, Technology and Innovation

Using TechMining for designing research policy in a Colombian Higher Education Institution

Extended Abstract – NEW INDICATORS session at “1st Global TechMining Conference” 2011

Author(s):Jenny Marcela Sanchez-Torres (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)

The most important Higher Education Institution –HEI- of Colombia has designed a model for measuring its R&D activities which has a set of indicators, some of them are calculated using techmining techniques. Its results as used as input for formulating and implementing R&D policies. This paper shows this experience. Continue reading Using TechMining for designing research policy in a Colombian Higher Education Institution

The Access and Benefi-Sharing Patent Index: Large Scale Text Mining for Biodiversity using High End Computing

Extended Abstract – NEW INDICATORS session at “1st Global TechMining Conference” 2011

Author(s): P. Oldham and S. Hall (CESAGEN, Faculty of Arts and Social Science, Lancaster University)

We have developed an index of biological species names appearing in the USPTO and PCT patent collections of 9 million patent documents. The Access and Benefit-Sharing Patent Index (ABSPAT) is intended to assist countries with monitoring trends in research and development involving genetic resources under the Nagoya
Protocol of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. The ABSPAT index will also provide important insights into the role of biodiversity in developments in science and technology. Continue reading The Access and Benefi-Sharing Patent Index: Large Scale Text Mining for Biodiversity using High End Computing

Research and Development of Technologies for the Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Dengue Fever in Brazil and Beyond

Extended Abstract – MINING AND VISUALIZING LIFE SCIENCES session at “1st Global TechMining Conference” 2011

Author(s): Sebastiao Loureiro, Erika Aragao, Bethania Almeida, Taris Santana (Collective Health Institute (ISC),Federal University of Bahia(UFBA))

In 2009, the Brazilian government created the Dengue Network, a research system that aims to provide support for, as well as strengthen, the national effort with respect to the science, technology and innovation for the prevention, control and treatment of Dengue fever. In an effort to contribute to the Brazilian government’s strategies for research and technological development, this network has mapped the scientific and technological research performed worldwide for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of Dengue over the last decade. The most important institutions and researchers working in this area have also been identified. Continue reading Research and Development of Technologies for the Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Dengue Fever in Brazil and Beyond

Publication trends in large pharmaceutical firms

Extended Abstract – MINING AND VISUALIZING LIFE SCIENCES session at “1st Global TechMining Conference” 2011

Author(s): Ismael Rafols, Alice O’Hare, Antonio Perianes, Michael M. Hopkins, and Paul Nightingale

It has been claimed that the advent of biotechnology about 30 years ago resulted in a shift in the pharmaceutical industry from an innovation system based on vertically integrated firms to a network structure in which large pharmaceuticals integrate knowledge from a variety of actors, including dedicated biotechnology firms (DBFs) and public research organisations (PROs) (McKelvey et al., 2004). In this paper, we explore whether this vertical disintegration is captured by pharma publication trends. Continue reading Publication trends in large pharmaceutical firms

A Hybrid Visualized Model for Composing Technology Roadmapping: Bibliometrics, Qualitative Methodology & Empirical Study

Extended Abstract – FUTURE-ORIENTED TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS session at “1st Global TechMining Conference” 2011

Author(s): Yi Zhang, Ying Guo, Donghua Zhu, and Xuefeng Wang; Beijing Institute of Technology

The booming of emerging technology is an obvious global feature of today’s S&T development at the same as it is also becoming a key factor in the national R&D programs. Considering this, how to describe the dynamic development path of emerging technology via visualization including market, product and technique elements should be considered seriously by both governments and enterprises. Continue reading A Hybrid Visualized Model for Composing Technology Roadmapping: Bibliometrics, Qualitative Methodology & Empirical Study

Mapping of Scientific Patenting

Extended Abstract – Science Mapping session at “1st Global TechMining Conference” 2011

Author: Mari Jibu, Department of Databases for Information and Knowledge Infrastructure, Innovation Headquarters, Japan Science and Technology Agency

“Mapping of Science” is available for getting a quick overview of the structure of science. With this context, it is hoped that policy making that should be based on scientific evidence. Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), as a funding agency in Japan, has developed the system (J-GLOBAL foresight) to analyze the linkage between scientific papers and patents. We succeeded in liking the database of scientific papers with those of patents and making “Mapping of Scientific Patenting” using “cytoscape” which is an open source platform for Complex-Network Analysis and visualization. Continue reading Mapping of Scientific Patenting

Mapping the Science of Waste Recycling

Extended Abstract – Science Mapping session at “1st Global TechMining Conference” 2011

Authors: Gaizka Garechana; Rosa Rio; Ernesto Cilleruelo; Javier Gavilanes

This abstract describes the method being followed by the authors to build a map of science on the field of waste recycling. Maps of science are visual, easily readable representations of the cognitive structure of a branch of science, a particular area of research or the global spectrum of scientific production. They are usually built upon reliable, well structured information sources like patent and scientific publication databases, and their usefulness lies in the simplicity and accuracy with which they provide an ”helicopter view” of the scientific field object of study, acting as a useful planning tool for policy and researching strategies. (Boyack et al. 2005) (Noyons 2005),
Continue reading Mapping the Science of Waste Recycling

How product and process innovations are accompanied by business methods: The case of RFID

Extended Abstract – TECHMINING FOR MoT AND CTI session at “1st Global TechMining Conference” 2011

Authors: Jan M. Gerken1 and Martin G. Moehrle1, Institute of Project Management and Innovation

Technological innovations have become very important, as technological innovations and their protection have been considered as the most important dimension of regimes of appropriability (Teece, 1986). An important driver for technological innovations is the evolution of technology, for which several theories have been proposed. A well-known theory was introduced by Utterback and Abernathy (1975). They described a typical relationship between the rate of product innovations and process innovations. They observed a shift from Continue reading How product and process innovations are accompanied by business methods: The case of RFID

Using Semantic Web Technologies for Technology Intelligence Services

The change in technological environment presents threats as well as opportunities to companies in the related fields. Existing Technology Intelligence procedures require complicated techniques and high-skilled labor results. Large expert-interviews and manual work is also needed, so single small companies can not undertake this alone. To spread and activate Technology Intelligence in research and industrial fields, we propose shallow, but automated, Technology Intelligence services based on Semantic Web technologies, which can reduce the amount of labor required from experts. Continue reading Using Semantic Web Technologies for Technology Intelligence Services