Category Archives: Gephi

Digital Technologies of Information and Communication and Social Hierarchy of Objects in the field of Education: empirical tests (FULL-TEXT)

This article presents the report of an empirical investigation on scientific production in Education using bibliometric and scientometric data analyzed based on concepts created by Pierre Bourdieu for the sociology of science with the aid of a historical and philosophical framework. Using metadata from more than 6000 theses defended between 1996 and 2016 in postgraduate education programs in Brazil with grades five and above, a map of the Social Hierarchy of Objects in the field of Education was generated. We also tried to empirically test the statement about research in Education that there was a loss of the research object in post-modernity and the importance in terms of scientific capital of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDIC). The data showed that the hierarchy of objects is very pulverized, but with a nucleus that concentrates a lot of scientific capital and that such concentration grew with the field. This can be explained by the high degree of heteronomy in the field and postmodern phenomena. However, it was possible to map that there are objects that bring more return of scientific capital to field agents: the teacher and his training. Therefore, there was no loss of the object. It was also possible to observe that words related to digital technologies grew and became part of the core of the hierarchy of objects in the field at the beginning of the 20th century. Digital Technologies are part of the core of the Social Hierarchy of Objects in the field of Education, mainly related to Distance Education.

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Author(s): André Garcia Correa, Daniel Ribeiro Silva Mill
Organization(s): Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology, Federal University of São Carlos
Source: Educar em Revista
Year: 2020

Green scheduling to achieve green manufacturing: Pursuing a research agenda by mapping science (Full-Text)

The strengthening of measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions meant that manufacturing scheduling had to acquire a green approach. The need to reduce energy consumption becomes necessary for companies to achieve sustainable development. Therefore, a new challenge for the scientific community was foreseen, researching new algorithms or knowledge hubs to achieve green scheduling. Green scheduling may be considered one of the principles of green manufacturing, aimed at minimizing environmental damage and energy waste. A review of the literature shows that there are no research works that analyze the scientific development carried out in “green scheduling” through methodologies based on bibliometric analysis, thus the need and the novelty of this research. Based on a dataset formed by 420 scientific documents published from 2006 to 2020 a bibliometric and network analysis is carried out to find the scientific trends, the main relationships according to collaborations and intermediaries, and the research hubs that help to establish the research agenda. The results show that “green scheduling” is a growing research area in the scientific community and in recent years the number of new research topics has experienced considerable growth. This research is developed in Asia, Europe and America, but China stands out as the most productive, collaborative, intermediary, influential and active country at present, through its organizations which are mainly universities, such as Huanzhong University of Science and Technology and Tongji University. However, research development related to green scheduling is carried out in a collaborative environment between institutions located in different countries, allowing countries that are not scientific powerhouses to develop research in the area. The network analysis makes it possible to define the research framework through the clustering of the dataset’s research keywords, highlighting that the main areas of research focus on the development of new methods through algorithms aimed at improving energy efficiency in production environments, in areas of computational development such as cloud computing, and in transportation. The most cited research papers, considered the main drivers of knowledge, are published in high-quality research journals, and are mainly developments in scheduling algorithms for different work environments with a green approach. Research findings can provide the academic community with relevant information about green scheduling to make appropriate decisions and become a research agenda for future research.


Author(s): Izaskun Alvarez-Meaza, Enara Zarrabeitia-Bilbao, Rosa-María Rio-Belver, Gaizka Garechana-Anacabe
Organization(s): University of the Basque Country
Source: Technology in Society
Year: 2021

Mapping the tuberculosis scientific landscape among BRICS countries: A bibliometric and network analysis (FULL-TEXT)

The five BRICS countries bear 49% of the world’s TB burden and they are committed to ending tuberculosis. This paper maps the scientific landscape related to TB research in BRICS. During the period 1993–2016, there were 38,315 peer-reviewed, among them, there were 11,018 (28.7%) articles related by one or more authors in a BRICS: India 38.7%; China 23.8%; South Africa 21.1%; Brazil 13.0%; and Russia 4.5% (The total was greater than 100% because our criterion was all papers with at least one author in a BRICS). Among the BRICS, there was greater interaction between India and South Africa and organizations in India and China had the highest productivity; however, South African organizations had more interaction with countries outside the BRICS. Publications by and about BRICS generally covered all research areas, especially those in India and China covered all research areas, although Brazil and South Africa prioritized infectious diseases, microbiology, and the respiratory system. An overview of BRICS scientific publications and interactions highlighted the necessity to develop a BRICS TB research plan to increase efforts and funding to ensure that basic science research successfully translates into products and policies to help end the TB epidemic. The bubble charts were generated by VantagePoint and the networks by the Gephi 0.9.1 software (Gephi Consortium 2010) from co-occurrence matrices produced in VantagePoint. The Fruchterman-Reingold algorithm provided the networks’ layout.


Author(s): Kamaiaji Castor, Fabio Batista Mota, Roseli Monteiro da Silva, Bernardo Pereira Cabral, Ethel Leonor Maciel, Isabela Neves de Almeida, Denise Arakaki-Sanchez, Kleydson Bonfim Andrade, Vadim Testov, Irina Vasilyeva, Yanlin Zhao, Hui Zhang, Manjula Singh, Raghuram Rao, Srikanth Tripathy, Glenda Gray, Nesri Padayatchi, Niresh Bhagwandin, Soumya Swaminathan, Tereza Kasaeva, Afrânio Kritski
Organization(s): Fundação Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz; Ministério da Saúde, Programa Nacional de Controle da Tuberculose; National Medical Research Centre of Pthtisiopulmonology and Infection Diseases, MoH; National Centre for Tuberculosis Control and Prevention, China CDC; University of KwaZulu-Natal
Source: Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz
Year: 2020

Biological Diversity in the Patent System

Biological diversity in the patent system is an enduring focus of controversy but empirical analysis of the presence of biodiversity in the patent system has been limited. To address this problem we text mined 11 million patent documents for 6 million Latin species names from the Global Names Index (GNI) established by the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and Encyclopedia of Life (EOL). Continue reading Biological Diversity in the Patent System

Synthetic Biology: Mapping the Scientific Landscape

This article uses data from Thomson Reuters Web of Science to map and analyse the scientific landscape for synthetic biology. The article draws on recent advances in data visualisation and analytics with the aim of informing upcoming international policy debates on the governance of synthetic biology by the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. Continue reading Synthetic Biology: Mapping the Scientific Landscape

The Access and Benefi-Sharing Patent Index: Large Scale Text Mining for Biodiversity using High End Computing

Extended Abstract – NEW INDICATORS session at “1st Global TechMining Conference” 2011

Author(s): P. Oldham and S. Hall (CESAGEN, Faculty of Arts and Social Science, Lancaster University)

We have developed an index of biological species names appearing in the USPTO and PCT patent collections of 9 million patent documents. The Access and Benefit-Sharing Patent Index (ABSPAT) is intended to assist countries with monitoring trends in research and development involving genetic resources under the Nagoya
Protocol of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. The ABSPAT index will also provide important insights into the role of biodiversity in developments in science and technology. Continue reading The Access and Benefi-Sharing Patent Index: Large Scale Text Mining for Biodiversity using High End Computing

Research and Development of Technologies for the Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Dengue Fever in Brazil and Beyond

Extended Abstract – MINING AND VISUALIZING LIFE SCIENCES session at “1st Global TechMining Conference” 2011

Author(s): Sebastiao Loureiro, Erika Aragao, Bethania Almeida, Taris Santana (Collective Health Institute (ISC),Federal University of Bahia(UFBA))

In 2009, the Brazilian government created the Dengue Network, a research system that aims to provide support for, as well as strengthen, the national effort with respect to the science, technology and innovation for the prevention, control and treatment of Dengue fever. In an effort to contribute to the Brazilian government’s strategies for research and technological development, this network has mapped the scientific and technological research performed worldwide for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of Dengue over the last decade. The most important institutions and researchers working in this area have also been identified. Continue reading Research and Development of Technologies for the Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Dengue Fever in Brazil and Beyond