Category Archives: Future-oriented technology analysis

Creating patents on the new technology using analogy-based patent mining

Patents on the new technology–a technology not yet commercialized and in an early stage of its life cycle–give firms many benefits. However, existing methods are inadequate because of dependencies on customers and physical prototypes. And there is lack of systems, focused on a problem identification process or an inter-technological comparison. In this research, to remedy existing limitations, analogy-based patent mining system is suggested. Continue reading Creating patents on the new technology using analogy-based patent mining

A technology opportunities analysis model: applied to dye-sensitised solar cells for China

Technology opportunities analysis (TOA) can support policy-makers or managers in making strategic technical decisions so as to enhance their technological innovation capability and international competitiveness. This paper presents a multi-level framework to support and systematically identify technological opportunities. Continue reading A technology opportunities analysis model: applied to dye-sensitised solar cells for China

Combining tech-mining and semantic-TRIZ for a faster and better technology analysis: a case in energy storage systems

Understanding and anticipating the evolution of technologies is an increasingly complex task attributable to the interdisciplinarity of the technology and the explosion of information about the research and patent activity. By combining the capabilities of tech-mining in identifying and in highlighting trends, weak signals, with those of semantic-TRIZ (Teoriya Resheniya Izobreatatelskikh Zadatch – Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) in identifying the functions, its causes and effects, a better understanding of the trends may be obtained in a shorter time. Continue reading Combining tech-mining and semantic-TRIZ for a faster and better technology analysis: a case in energy storage systems

A hybrid visualisation model for technology roadmapping: bibliometrics, qualitative methodology and empirical study

Technology roadmapping offers a flexible instrument to portray development status in support of technology forecasting and assessment. This paper integrates bibliometrics with qualitative methodologies and visualisation techniques to construct a hybrid model for composing technology roadmaps. Continue reading A hybrid visualisation model for technology roadmapping: bibliometrics, qualitative methodology and empirical study

Technology life cycle analysis method based on patent documents

To estimate the future development of one technology and make decisions whether to invest in it or not, one needs to know the current stage of its technology life cycle (TLC). The dominant approach to analyzing TLC uses the S-curve to observe patent applications over time. But using the patent application counts alone to represent the development of technology oversimplifies the situation. In this paper, we build a model to calculate the TLC for an object technology based on multiple patent-related indicators. Continue reading Technology life cycle analysis method based on patent documents

Text mining of information resources to inform Forecasting Innovation Pathways

Highly uncertain dynamics of New and Emerging Science and Technologies (NEST) pose special challenges to traditional forecasting tools. This paper explores the systematisation of the ‘Forecasting Innovation Pathways’ analytical approach through the application of Tech Mining. Continue reading Text mining of information resources to inform Forecasting Innovation Pathways

Dynamics of scientific knowledge bases as proxies for discerning technological emergence — The case of MEMS/NEMS technologies

Emerging technologies embrace the very early stages of socio-technological evolution. Despite their appealing nature, they have been loosely defined and operationalized. In particular, operationalization approaches based on bibliometric methods have often tended to emphasize the exponential growth and the potential impacts of emerging technologies while overlooking their inherent uncertainty and ‘fluidity’. Continue reading Dynamics of scientific knowledge bases as proxies for discerning technological emergence — The case of MEMS/NEMS technologies

Technological Forecasting on Phytotherapics Development in Brazil

The prospective analysis is presented as an important tool to identify the most relevant opportunities and needs in research and development from planned interventions in innovation systems.   This study chose Phyllanthus niruri, known as “stone break” to
describe the knowledge about the specie, by using biotechnological forecasting through the software Vantage Point. It can be seen a considerable increase in studies on Phyllanthus niruri in recent years and that there are patents about this plant since twenty-five years ago. India was the country that most carried out research on the specie, showing interest, mainly in studies of hepatoprotection, antioxidant and anti-cancer activities. Brazil is in the second place, with special interest for anti-tumor studies. Given the identification of the Brazilian groups that exploit the species it is possible to mediate partnerships and cooperation aiming to help on the implementing of the Program of Herbal medicines (phytotherapics) in Brazil.

Author(s): Simões Evelyne Rolim Braun, Marques Lana Grasiela Alves, Soares Bruno Marques Pinheiro, Daniel Pascoalino, Santos Maria Rita Morais Chaves, Pessoa Claudia
Organization(s): Departamento de Fisiologia e Farmacologia, Universidade Federal do Ceará; Universidade Federal do Piauí, Núcleo de Inovaçao Tencnológica
Source: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Year: 2012

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Technology trends analysis and forecasting application based on decision tree and statistical feature analysis

Analyzing mass information and supporting foresight are very important task but they are extremely time-consuming work. In addition, information analysis and forecasting about the science and technology are also very critical tasks for researchers, government officers, businessman, etc. Some related studies recently have been executed and semi-automatic tools have been developed actively. Continue reading Technology trends analysis and forecasting application based on decision tree and statistical feature analysis

The Emergence of a New Technology: A Multi-Perspective Analysis on the Case of Human Papilloma Virus (Hpv) Molecular Diagnostic Tests

Emerging technologies are sources of new industries and sub-sectors as well as they represent important drivers for technological change. Given the central role emerging technologies play, we aim to investigate the phenomenon of emergence in order to reveal its complexity. To this end, by drawing on an institutional-evolutional framework, we use a case study approach that combines a multi-perspective investigation with mixed qualitative-quantitative analyses, i.e. historical analysis, interviews, and advanced bibliometric techniques. Precisely, we investigate the process of emergence for Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) molecular diagnostic tests since its conception in the 1980s. Continue reading The Emergence of a New Technology: A Multi-Perspective Analysis on the Case of Human Papilloma Virus (Hpv) Molecular Diagnostic Tests