Category Archives: VP How To
How to conduct a search and download a “projects” dataset from NIHReporter
How to search for and download a dataset from Medline
license server activation
Network Analysis with VP – using .vpt files in Pajek and Gephi
This social network analysis (SNA) training video employs scripts for using .vpt files in Pajek and Gephi. These scripts can be found in VP Resources> VP Macros
Pakek Maps from VP Content and GEPHI: Creating gexf files with VP
Using VantagePoint files in GoogleEarth
The scripts referred to in this training video can be downloaded from VP Resources>VP Macros GeoMacro 8.0
Calculating Technical Emergence Indicators
Viewing VantagePoint Files in Heatmap Format
The scripts referred to in this training video can be found at VP Resources>VP Macros VantagePoint Heatmap
Importing E-mail in VantagePoint
The scripts mentioned in this training video can be found under VP Resources>VP Macros Gmail Import to VantagePoint and Export MS Outlook Email and Import into VP