Category Archives: ST&I policy

Funding Acknowledgement Analysis – An Enhanced Tool to Investigate Research Sponsorship Impacts

Extended Abstract – MINING NOVEL DATA SOURCES   session at “1st Global TechMining Conference” 2011

Author(s): Jue Wang (Florida International University) and Philip Shapira (University of Manchester)

There is increasing interest in assessing how sponsored research funding influences the development and trajectory of science and technology. Traditionally, linkages between research funding and subsequent results are hard to track, often requiring access to separate funding or performance reports released by researchers or sponsors. Tracing research sponsorship and output linkages is even more challenging when researchers receive multiple funding awards and collaborate with a variety of differentially-sponsored research colleagues. Continue reading Funding Acknowledgement Analysis – An Enhanced Tool to Investigate Research Sponsorship Impacts

Using TechMining for designing research policy in a Colombian Higher Education Institution

Extended Abstract – NEW INDICATORS session at “1st Global TechMining Conference” 2011

Author(s):Jenny Marcela Sanchez-Torres (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)

The most important Higher Education Institution –HEI- of Colombia has designed a model for measuring its R&D activities which has a set of indicators, some of them are calculated using techmining techniques. Its results as used as input for formulating and implementing R&D policies. This paper shows this experience. Continue reading Using TechMining for designing research policy in a Colombian Higher Education Institution

Predicting Breakthrough Papers: Ranking Statistics, Patterns, and Visualization

Extended Abstract – NEW INDICATORS session at “1st Global TechMining Conference” 2011

Author(s): Ilya V. Ponomarev, Duane E. Williams, Joshua Schnell, Laurel L. Haak

Research progress may be either gradual or abrupt. While both ways are important, major advances in science strongly depend upon explosive breakthrough discoveries. Currently, analyses of emerging or breakthrough areas are rarely performed systematically and are almost always done retrospectively. We have developed several strategies for early detection of candidate breakthroughs, based on citation dynamics. Our findings can be used to inform portfolio planning practices and research management policies. Continue reading Predicting Breakthrough Papers: Ranking Statistics, Patterns, and Visualization

Research and Development of Technologies for the Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Dengue Fever in Brazil and Beyond

Extended Abstract – MINING AND VISUALIZING LIFE SCIENCES session at “1st Global TechMining Conference” 2011

Author(s): Sebastiao Loureiro, Erika Aragao, Bethania Almeida, Taris Santana (Collective Health Institute (ISC),Federal University of Bahia(UFBA))

In 2009, the Brazilian government created the Dengue Network, a research system that aims to provide support for, as well as strengthen, the national effort with respect to the science, technology and innovation for the prevention, control and treatment of Dengue fever. In an effort to contribute to the Brazilian government’s strategies for research and technological development, this network has mapped the scientific and technological research performed worldwide for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of Dengue over the last decade. The most important institutions and researchers working in this area have also been identified. Continue reading Research and Development of Technologies for the Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Dengue Fever in Brazil and Beyond

“Up-to-down” Science & Technology planning: a new approach based on patent data and technology roadmapping

Extended Abstract – FUTURE-ORIENTED TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS session at “1st Global TechMining Conference” 2011

Author(s): Ying Guo, Lu Huang, Yi Zhang and Donghua Zhu (Beijing Institute of Technology); Alan L.Porter (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Currently, endless new technologies emerge. If one could map out Science & Technology (S&T)Planning correctly on the national level, innovation shareholders would remain current on technological development trends and occupy a very advantageous position among the fierce future competition of the global market. Thus, to formulate effective S&T planning is significant for a nation, especially for new and emerging technologies. Continue reading “Up-to-down” Science & Technology planning: a new approach based on patent data and technology roadmapping

Mapping of Scientific Patenting

Extended Abstract – Science Mapping session at “1st Global TechMining Conference” 2011

Author: Mari Jibu, Department of Databases for Information and Knowledge Infrastructure, Innovation Headquarters, Japan Science and Technology Agency

“Mapping of Science” is available for getting a quick overview of the structure of science. With this context, it is hoped that policy making that should be based on scientific evidence. Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), as a funding agency in Japan, has developed the system (J-GLOBAL foresight) to analyze the linkage between scientific papers and patents. We succeeded in liking the database of scientific papers with those of patents and making “Mapping of Scientific Patenting” using “cytoscape” which is an open source platform for Complex-Network Analysis and visualization. Continue reading Mapping of Scientific Patenting

Evaluating Olympic Technology Development: Use of Literature Analysis Based on Science Citation Index

As one of the three concepts which Beijing Olympics executed, “Hi-tech Olympics” policy provided satisfactory technical support and security guarantee for the Olympic Games from beginning to end. To provide support to assess the science and technology development of the 29th Olympic Games and other national key projects, this paper analyzes keywords, disciplines and states distribution of SCI literature with the background of Hi-tech Olympic policy by using bibliometrics, literature analysis and technology roadmapping, then extracts and establishes an evaluation framework which can be used in technology development evaluation in view of other national key projects like Olympics. Continue reading Evaluating Olympic Technology Development: Use of Literature Analysis Based on Science Citation Index