All posts by VPInstitute

Smart revolution and metrology: A longitudinal science mapping approach (FULL-TEXT)

The aim of this study is two-fold. Firstly, it attempts to identify and visualize evolutionary pathways and scientific roadmaps focusing on the interplay between smart manufacturing and metrology as a research field. Secondly, it seeks to identify and visualize technological trends in this research field, i.e., the most productive themes, relevant thematic networks, and strategic diagrams based on the most cited articles in each theme for different time slices. A bibliometric analysis was conducted to assess all peer-reviewed documents indexed in the Web of Science database covering the focused research field over the 2010–2020 time frame. Based on a bibliographic data collection of 396 documents, it was possible to identify and visualize a longitudinal science map over this period, highlighting digital technology trends and identifying shifts in the boundaries of the focused emerging digital technologies applied to metrology and vice-versa, by revealing their interactions and convergence.

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Author(s): M.C. Sousa, M.F.L. Almeida
Organization(s): Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC)
Source: Measurement: Sensors
Year: 2021

A critical review of international print advertisements: evolutionary analysis, assessment and elucidations, from 1965 to 2020

Amidst the plethora of mass communication methods that technology bestowed business with, print advertisements still remain an effective and widely utilized advertising tool, and retain a diachronically venerable position in international marketing practice. Bar and transcending mere academic fascination or curiosity, this research provides insights into the past, an understanding of the present and an outlook into the future. In this vein, through a methodical and comprehensive critical review of extant literature on print advertisements since 1965, this research aims to identify gaps in extant knowledge, to map its trends and divergences, to trace its paradigm shifts and to ultimately develop agendas for truly significant future research. This spatial-temporal study reviews 256 methodically selected articles, using VantagePoint software, and adopts a novel methodology through natural language processing (NLP), text mining, auto-correlation maps, and bubble maps to conduct and present a robust analysis and explicit findings. Using also the VOSviewer for density and network visualization, the results identify the predominant literature themes and, conversely, the relatively under-researched areas, and provide a more insightful collective interpretation of extant works, while laying the foundation for future research of greater value and significance to academia and industry. This study transcends the partial and/or limited analyses and perspectives of extant literature to present scholars with the first comprehensive and long term meta-analysis or systematic study of print advertising, with explicit findings of both scholarly and executive worth.

Author(s): Suniti Vadalkar, Gitesh Chavan, Ranjan Chaudhuri, Demetris Vrontis
Organization(s): FLAME University, National Institute of Industrial Engineering, University of Nicosia
Source: International Marketing Review
Year: 2021

Scientific collaboration analysis of Brazilian postgraduate programs in information science (full-text Spanish)

Due to the growing interest in metric studies on the scientific collaboration of national postgraduate studies, together with the theoretical and applied bases of Information Science supported by metric studies of information, it became relevant to identify how scientific collaborations occur in postgraduate programs in Information Science. The research method included the use of bibliometrics and social network analysis as an information analysis technique. The sample involved 519 articles from 421 permanent professors working in 27 Postgraduate Programs (PP), from 2013 to 2018. The results achieved included the elaboration of a set of indicators that denote scientific collaboration activities; In short, interpersonal relations networks are relevant to the internationalization of the Information Science area, and internationalization is fundamental for the development of programs. It was concluded that the results achieved can contribute to the improvement of the PPG and the National Postgraduate System, by maximizing the understanding of collaboration in Information Science.

FULL-TEXT in Spanish

Author(s): Thais da Silva Justino, Roniberto Morato do Amara, Leandro Innocentini Lopes de Faria, Aline Grasiele Cardoso de Brito
Organization(s): Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Source: AWRI
Year: 2021

Policy interactions with research trajectories: The case of cyber-physical convergence in manufacturing and industrials

From the early 2010s, policymakers and firms in advanced industrial economies began introducing approaches to systemically exploit manufacturing and industrial data using the notion of cyber-physical convergence. Three innovation concepts have been especially highlighted: Smart Manufacturing, the Industrial Internet and Industrie 4.0. In parallel, academics have employed these concepts in numerous ways to advance their work. Despite this broad interest, precise definition and delineation of the cyber-physical convergence research domain have received little attention. Also missing is systematic knowledge on the interactions of these concepts with research trajectories. This paper fills these gaps by operationalising a newly constructed definition of convergence, and delineating the associated research domain into five data-centric capabilities: Monitoring, Analytics, Modelling and Simulation, Transmission and Security. A bibliometric analysis of the domain is then performed for 2010–2019. There are three findings. First, Analytics and Security have assumed strategic positions within the domain, coinciding with a “strategic turn” in policy. Second, backed by concerted policy and funding efforts, growth in Chinese scientific output has outpaced key competitors, including the U.S. and Germany. Finally, the patterns of promoting their works in terms of the three concepts differ significantly amongst U.S.-, Germany- and China-based authors, which mirrors the different policy discourses prevalent in those countries.

Author(s): Tausif Bordoloi, Philip Shapira, Paul Mativeng
Organization(s): The University of Manchester, University of Johannesburg
Source: Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Year: 2022


The objective of this study was to identify the profile of academic research on blended learning in the world and propose a research agenda for the topic. Recent literature has reported good results in both student performance and satisfaction in blended learning (Dziuban et al., 2004). However, there is still much to investigate and learn about BL because it is a recent development. We analysed the profile of international publications on blended learning in management and business from 2001 to 2021. We identified when, who, where and what was published on the subject, singling out the authors and journals with the greatest impact based on the h-index and CiteScore (Scopus), as well as exploring the cooperation between countries. The volume of research has been increasing over the past twenty years, although there are only a few authors, institutions and reference journals contributing to the topic’s consolidation and the countries conducting the most joint research in coauthoring networks account for the largest volume of publications, authors and impact journals. We suggest a future research agenda and highlight the contributions made to executive and management education. The results indicate that the number of publications is growing, and the management and business area is the one that contributes the most, with the countries that produce in co-authorship also providing the most publications.


Author(s): Sheila Serafim-Silva, Renata Giovinazzo Spers, Luiz Vázquez-Suárez, Camilo Peña Ramírez
Organization(s): University of Sao Paulo
Source: International Journal of Professional Business Review
Year: 2021

A methodology for identifying breakthrough topics using structural entropy

This research uses link prediction and structural-entropy methods to predict scientific breakthrough topics. Temporal changes in the structural entropy of a knowledge network can be used to identify potential breakthrough topics. This has been done by tracking and monitoring a network’s critical transition points, also known as tipping points. The moment at which a significant change in the structural entropy of a knowledge network occurs may denote the points in time when breakthrough topics emerge. The method was validated by domain experts and was demonstrated to be a feasible tool for identifying scientific breakthroughs early. This method can play a role in identifying scientific breakthroughs and could aid in realizing forward-looking predictions to provide support for policy formulation and direct scientific research. Notes on methodology: First, text data were imported into Clarivate’s Derwent Data Analyzer, and the multi-word list in the field of “combined keywords + phrase” was selected as the field-of-topic term. The list in the “combined keywords + phrase” field was extracted from titles…


Identifying a scientific breakthrough early and helping to establish forward-looking predictions.

Depicting the non-linear characteristics of complex knowledge networks through structural changes.

Regarding the knowledge network as a complex system from a holistic perspective.

Observing the incubation mechanism of emergent scientific breakthroughs from a dynamic evolutionary perspective.

Author(s): Haiyun Xu, Rui Luo, Jos Winnink, Chao Wang, Ehsan Elahi
Organization(s): Shandong University of Technology, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Leiden University
Source: Information Processing & Management
Year: 2021

Scientometric Assessment of Agri-Food Technology for Research Activity and Productivity (full-text)

In accordance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), several SDGs target global food issues, including zero hunger (food security and sustainable agriculture), responsible consumption and production (food losses), climate action (greenhouse gas emissions from food waste), and partnerships for the goals (research collaboration). As such, it is vital to identify technology and market opportunities to support advanced development by exploring scientific and technological research on such SDGs. The significance of technological innovation and evaluations of activity, productivity, and collaboration aids and guides future research streams. Motivated by the growing severity of the global food waste crisis, this paper focuses on the case study of shelf-life extension technology for food and applies a scientometric analysis of patents based on text mining. VantagePoint was used to analyze 2516 patents issued between 2000 and 2020, with the aim of understanding the conceptual structure of knowledge and the social relationships among key players. The results indicate that the technology is experiencing a period of growth, and it can be clustered into five technology sectors. Across all technology clusters, China outperformed other countries in terms of the number of patents. Almost all of China’s patents applied for technology commercialization domestically, whereas other countries tended to apply for patents overseas to exploit opportunities. The findings have implications for both policymaking and strategic decision-making using a multi-layered network innovation system

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Author(s): Jakkrit Thavorn, Veera Muangsin, Chupun Gowanit, Nongnuj Muangsin
Organization(s): Chulalongkorn University
Source: Publications 2021
Year: 2021

Empirical Panorama: Renewable Energy Cooperation Between Brazil and India (book chapter)

This chapter, Empirical Panorama: Renewable Energy Cooperation Between Brazil and India, which presents the main results obtained by the research and is divided into five sections. The first one presents data on the international acts signed jointly by Brazil and India concerning renewable energy. It also provides an analysis of documents resulting from the South-South meetings mainly regarding the participation of these two countries in multilateral groups. The second section tackles the renewable energy policies that have been established by Brazil and India in a period of over forty years. The third section brings the results of the scientific and technological mapping of Brazil and India based on the analysis of scientific publications. Furthermore, the patents filed by Brazil and India in renewables were mapped and a comparison was made between the scientific and technological production of both countries showing the main partnerships established between them. The fourth section presents the competitiveness indicators of the two countries based on the analysis of the competitiveness reports in a ten-year period: the indicators were compiled, compared and analyzed to identify elements that could promote or limit cooperation between Brazil and India. The fifth section presents the results of the primary research carried out with professionals from the academic, technical and political areas who work in one or more of these areas: energy, renewable energy, politics, international cooperation and international relations. All the data presented in the empirical panorama refer to the time period from 1945 to 2017/2018.

Author(s): Arrais de Miranda Mousinho
Organization(s): Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology (IFBA)
Source: Brazil-India Renewable Energy Cooperation
Year: 2021

Emerging and Resurgent Arboviral Diseases: Global Vaccine Patent Landscape and the Case for Immunome

Emerging and resurgent arboviral diseases are a major public health problem for developing countries, particularly in Latin America and Africa, for the severity of their symptoms and lethality. Vaccines are recognized as the most powerful preventive, low-risk and cost-effective interventions. For this reason, vaccines against these arboviral diseases could have an extensive impact on global health. Nevertheless, many gaps persist in innovation and technological development of these vaccines and it is necessary and urgent to accelerate new funding mechanisms and incentives, such as “patent pools”, with active participation of manufacturers in developing countries, to assure their cost-effectiveness, efficacy and minimize their potential adverse effects. In this global scenario, intellectual property, especially patents documents, have emerged as a crucial issue for vaccine development. The global patent landscape for vaccines against these four arboviral diseases has undergone drastic changes in the past 5 years, with breakthroughs resulting from advances in molecular biology and genetic engineering: DNA vaccines, recombinant vaccines based on antigens expressed in vectors (viral, bacterial, yeast) and vaccines obtained through reverse vaccinology, with the selection of potential candidates at the genetic level rather than the protein level. Our main aim is to transcend the conventional debate on vaccine development and ethical, regulatory and policy issues, already explored in many scientific publications in the past three decades and determine which of these issues should be considered new and specific to this new perspective. Finally, an adequate use of patent documents, as indicated here, can be a valuable source of information, supporting technological prospect tools in more effective knowledge governance strategies.

Author(s): Cristina Possas, Adelaide M. S. Antunes, Flavia M. L. Mendes, Reinaldo M. Martins, Akira Homma
Organization(s): Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI)
Source: Intellectual Property Issues in Microbiology (pp 337-352)
Year: 2019

A framework for enhancing the fresh food retail supply chain performance: evidence from India

The paper identifies the improvement initiatives for enhancing the fresh food retail supply chain performance w.r.t. time, cost, quality, customer service and profitability. To identify the critical initiatives, a thorough analysis of the literature followed by validation in two fresh food retail supply chains were carried using a case-based approach. Data were collected by conducting the semi-structured interviews among the senior executive selected using snowball sampling technique and responses were analysed using manual coding followed by validating through a text mining software. The VantagePoint software identified the probable relationships amongst the initiatives and with the performance measures. It also clustered the initiatives and identified their strength of relationships. Cross-case syntheses of two ‘farm to fork’ models were facilitated in developing the research propositions. The study presents a comprehensive framework of initiatives comprising of supplier and customer related initiatives along with a unique and prominent initiative in food, i.e., product and process initiatives.

Author(s): Rose Antony, Vivekanand B. Khanapuri, Karuna Jain
Organization(s): National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
Source: International Journal of Services and Operations Management
Year: 2021