Tag Archives: interview data

A framework for enhancing the fresh food retail supply chain performance: evidence from India

The paper identifies the improvement initiatives for enhancing the fresh food retail supply chain performance w.r.t. time, cost, quality, customer service and profitability. To identify the critical initiatives, a thorough analysis of the literature followed by validation in two fresh food retail supply chains were carried using a case-based approach. Data were collected by conducting the semi-structured interviews among the senior executive selected using snowball sampling technique and responses were analysed using manual coding followed by validating through a text mining software. The VantagePoint software identified the probable relationships amongst the initiatives and with the performance measures. It also clustered the initiatives and identified their strength of relationships. Cross-case syntheses of two ‘farm to fork’ models were facilitated in developing the research propositions. The study presents a comprehensive framework of initiatives comprising of supplier and customer related initiatives along with a unique and prominent initiative in food, i.e., product and process initiatives.


Author(s): Rose Antony, Vivekanand B. Khanapuri, Karuna Jain
Organization(s): National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
Source: International Journal of Services and Operations Management
Year: 2021