Category Archives: VOSViewer

Medicine-Engineering Interdisciplinary Research Based on Bibliometric Analysis: A Case Study on Medicine-Engineering Institutional Cooperation of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Full-Text)

This article aims to provide reference for medicine-engineering interdisciplinary research. Targeted at
the scientific literature and patent literature published by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, this article attempts to set up co-occurrence matrix of medicine-engineering institutional information which was extracted from address fields of the papers, so as to construct the medicine-engineering intersection datasets. The dataset of scientific literature was analyzed using bibliometrics and visualization methods from multiple dimensions, and the most active factors, such as trends of output, journal and subject distribution, were identified from the indicators of category normalized citation impact (CNCI), times cited, keywords, citation topics and the degree of medicine engineering interdisplinarity. Research on hotspots and trends was discussed in detail. Analyses of the dataset of patent literature showed research themes and measured the degree for technology convergence of medicine engineering.


Author(s): WANG Qingwen, CUI Tingting, DENG Peiwen
Organization(s): Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Source: Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Year: 2022

Dynamics of Colombian Scientific Production in Economics: A Bibliometric Study in Scopus 2007-2019

The objective of the article was to evaluate the trends of scientific production in Economics with Colombian institutional affiliation during the period 2007 – 2019. A bibliometric analysis was carried out from the information registered in Scopus, through indicators of production, citation and collaboration and the quantitative exploratory method, using the Biblioshiny, Vantage Point and VosViewer software. The behavior of authors, journals and topics of higher publication visibility such as innovation and economic growth were studied. The main trends in the scientific production of Colombian authors with the highest publication in Scopus, present an annual average growth rate of 13%, in addition to publications in prestigious journals and important networks of national and international collaboration and predominance of co-authored publications (index 1.8), expanding the connection not only at the level of higher education institutions, but through research institutes. The Knowledge of the dynamics of disciplinary research in the study, contributed with information for the management of scientific activity and the design of future research in the country.

Author(s): Nubia Yaneth Gómez Velasco, Orlando Gregorio Chaviano, Alba Lorena Ballesteros Alfonso
Organization(s): Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Source: Lecturas de Economía
Year: 2021

Public innovation: what it is and how it happens through i-Labs

The complexity involved in the solution for public issues requires innovation. Despite the importance, there is little research to translate theories into practice. The aim of this paper is to investigate innovation for public issues through public innovation laboratories (i-Labs). To achieve this, a systematic literature review from documents published since 2004 up to 2019 in Web of Science® was carried out. Data mining software Vantage Point® and Vosviewer® and qualitative analysis software MAXQDA® were used to study 275 articles. Results show the need to deepen in the construction of the public innovation theory through the development of longitudinal studies. The study also found that it is possible to generate public innovation by the integration of; in the laboratory: co-creation, collaborative innovation, experimentation, public-private partnership and citizen participation.

Author(s): Lizeth Fernanda Serrano-Cárdenas, Yessika Lorena Vásquez González, Flor Nancy Díaz-Piraquive
Organization(s): Universidad del Rosario, Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Fundación Universitaria Internacional de La Rioja UNIR
Source: International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology
Year: 2021

Analysis of Current Status and Evolution Trend of E-waste Resources Utilization Based on Literature Measurement (Full-Text Chinese)

As a comprehensive resource, e-waste contains many precious resources. Resource utilization is an important way to solve the problems of resource shortage and environmental pollution. Based on the paper data collected in Web of Science Core Collection, this article analyzes the paper in the field of the e-waste resource utilization from 1994 to 2019. Using the Derwent data analysis tool (Derwent Data Analyzer, DDA) and VOSviewer software, it reveals the research status and evolution trend, major countries, leading research institutions, major co-authors, keywords, and highly cited papers in the field of e-waste resource utilization.

For FULL-TEXT paper in Chinese

Author(s): Yu Yan
Organization(s): Guangdong Science and Technology Library
Source: Science Focus
Year: 2021

Bibliometric Analysis of Research Hotspots Related to Marine Oil Spill Accidents in the Environmental Field Based on Web of Science

The objective of this paper is to conduct bibliometric analysis of the relevant literature in the environmental field published from 1982 to 2018 collected by the Web of Science citation database and further explore the frontier research dynamics and hotspots in the environmental field. The word “oil spill*” was used as the subject term for retrieval. A knowledge map of hotspots in oil spill research was built through software VOSviewer and the clustering relations between them were explored. The frequency and relevance of the keywords in the corresponding literature were obtained by the matrix of keywords built through the Thomson Data Analyzer (TDA)software. The four main research hotspots of marine oil spill pollution were oil spill numerical simulation and model prediction, oil spill exposure toxicity and risk assessment, oil spill component and source analysis and oil spill pollution characteristics and treatment. The study analyzes the main content of the four research hotspots and the current research progress and provides scientific basis for further understanding of the mechanism of marine oil spill occurrence, migration and transformation, implementation of oil spill treatment and repair as well as more accurate assessment of eco-environment damage.

DOI: 10.12116/j.issn.1004-5619.2020.04.005

Author(s): J Wu, M Wang, C M Ye, Z H Xu, C Y Sha, J Y Zhang, S F Huang
Organization(s): Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences, East China Normal University
Source: Journal of Forensic Medicine
Year: 2020


1. Generate an empty folder and copy a VantagePoint file of interest to it.
2. Copy Generate_VOS_Network_from_VP.vpm and Generate_VOS_Network_from_VP.xlsm to this same folder.
3. In VantagePoint run the script Generate_VOS_Network_from_VP.vpm.
4. You will prompted to select a field of interest. Select the same one selected to generate a VOS map file.
5. The script will prompt you for a network name. Give it one.
6. After it the script completes a (sparse format) VOS network file will be saved to the same folder housing the VantagePoint file you’re working with.
7. Simultaneously open the accompanying map file and network file you just generated in VOS (under the File tab).
8. The user has the option to adjust number of lines (we suggest 200) on the map, as well as their color, width and whether they’re curved or straight.

An online VOSviewer manual, which provides in-depth guidance on VOS maps, networks and manipulation the same, is available at:

Download Generate_VOS_Network_from_VP.vpm

Download Generate_VOS_Network_from_VP.xlsm

Aesthetics in the age of digital humanities

One of the most difficult but yet unavoidable tasks for every academic field is to define its own nature and demarcate its area. This article addresses the question of how current computational text-mining approaches can be used as tools for clarifying what aesthetics is when such approaches are combined with philosophical analyses of the field. We suggest that conjoining the two points of view leads to a fuller picture than excluding one or the other, and that such a picture is useful for the self-understanding of the discipline. Our analysis suggests that text-mining tools can find sources, relations, and trends in a new way, but it also reveals that the databases that such tools use are presently seriously limited. However, computational approaches that are still in their infancy in aesthetics will most likely gradually affect our understanding about the ontological status of the discipline and its instantiations.

Open Access article…. for full-text, click

Author(s): Ossi Naukkarinen and Johanna Bragge
Organization: Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture; Aalto University School of Economics
Source: Journal of Aesthetics and Culture
Year: 2016

Text-mining and visualization using VOSviewer

Extended Abstract – NEW S,T&I VISUALIZATIONS  session at “1st Global TechMining Conference” 2011

Author(s): Nees Jan van Eck and Ludo Waltman (Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University)

VOSviewer is a computer program that we have developed for constructing, visualizing, and exploring bibliometric maps of science (Van Eck & Waltman, 2010). The program is freely available on VOSviewer can be used for analyzing all kinds of bibliometric network data, for instance citation relations between publications or journals, collaboration relations between researchers, and cooccurrence relations between scientific terms. In this abstract, we focus on the use of VOSviewer for text mining purposes, in particular for analyzing large amounts of text data using so-called term maps. Continue reading Text-mining and visualization using VOSviewer