Dynamics of Colombian Scientific Production in Economics: A Bibliometric Study in Scopus 2007-2019

The objective of the article was to evaluate the trends of scientific production in Economics with Colombian institutional affiliation during the period 2007 – 2019. A bibliometric analysis was carried out from the information registered in Scopus, through indicators of production, citation and collaboration and the quantitative exploratory method, using the Biblioshiny, Vantage Point and VosViewer software. The behavior of authors, journals and topics of higher publication visibility such as innovation and economic growth were studied. The main trends in the scientific production of Colombian authors with the highest publication in Scopus, present an annual average growth rate of 13%, in addition to publications in prestigious journals and important networks of national and international collaboration and predominance of co-authored publications (index 1.8), expanding the connection not only at the level of higher education institutions, but through research institutes. The Knowledge of the dynamics of disciplinary research in the study, contributed with information for the management of scientific activity and the design of future research in the country.


Author(s): Nubia Yaneth Gómez Velasco, Orlando Gregorio Chaviano, Alba Lorena Ballesteros Alfonso
Organization(s): Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Source: Lecturas de Economía
Year: 2021

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