All posts by VPInstitute

Ten years of SOHOMA Workshop Proceedings: A Bibliometric Analysis and Leading Trends

The SOHOMA Workshop series on Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing is a set of events aiming at fostering innovative research and practices in smart and sustainable manufacturing and logistics systems. The SOHOMA scientific community promotes the development of theories, methods, solutions, proof of concepts and implementations for the digital transformation of the industry of the future through intelligence distribution in service-oriented, holonic and agent-based systems. During ten editions, the workshops have gathered hundreds of researchers and practitioners that have presented their world-wide scientific contributions, published in the Springer book series “Studies in Computational Intelligence”. This paper presents an overview of the publication of the SOHOMA workshop proceedings by using a bibliometric analysis and identifies leading research and innovation trends generated by the SOHOMA community in the last ten years.

Author(s):Jose-Fernando Jimenez, Eliana Maria González Neira, Gloria Juliana Arias-Paredes, Damien Trentesaux, Olivier Cardin, Jorge Andrés Alvarado
Organization(s):Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France
Source: Service Oriented, Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing Systems for Industry of the Future (Springer)
Year: 2021

The contribution of academic genealogy to construction of bibliometric indicators (FULL-TEXT in Portuguese) A contribuição da genealogia acadêmica para a construção de indicadores bibliométricos

The measurement of scientific production through bibliometrics, which
allows you to assess the performance of researchers and the impacts of their productions, is a much explored object of study in Information Science. The academic genealogy, on the other hand, allows us to study the intellectual heritage that it results from the relationships between advisors and their students. recent studies in Brazil on academic genealogy use as a database the Lattes Platform, extracting information that can be used for various analyses. Therefore, this work aims to investigate whether the application of Academic genealogy and bibliometric analysis together can bring complementary information about the performance of a graduate program in the training of researchers and scientific production, carrying out a study of case based on the Graduate Program in Materials Engineering at Federal University of São Carlos. The methodology used is based on the method of identifying academic genealogy graphs in conjunction with SyncLattes, VantagePoint and Microsoft Excel tools. How results are bibliometric indicators on the program and its descendants were presented, that can contribute to the development of strategies for self-assessment and performance of graduate programs.

FULL-TEXT in Portuguese available at

Author(s):Vanessa Paula Alves de Moura, Efraim Cekinski
Organization(s):Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Source: Em Questão
Year: 2021

Bats as Hosts of Important Unicellular Endoparasites

Some bacteria and protozoan species are important pathogens causing high mortality rates not only in humans, but also in other mammal species including bats. Infectious agents, such as viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi have been reported in the order Chiroptera, but a thorough analysis of zoonotic unicellular pathogens is needed. To address this topic, we conducted an exhaustive search of literature reports on pathogenic bacterial and protozoan infections in bats, in order to summarize the current state of knowledge on these pathogens. From this search, we obtained information on seven protozoan and 12 bacterial species present in 187 bat species, which were retrieved from 169 articles. Despite all the records, bats are only considered reservoirs for two protozoan species. Thus, more studies are needed to consider bats as reservoirs for bacteria. At North American Society for Bat Research (NASBR) symposia, 17 studies have been presented and discussed, but only two focused on pathogens responsible for the principal causes of death in human populations. More worldwide studies are needed to assess the actual role of bats in public health problems and to help develop conservation measures for bat populations that need to be protected.

Author(s):Pablo Colunga-Salas, Giovani Hernádez-Canchola, Estefania Grostieta, Ingeborg Becker
Organization(s):Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Louisiana State University
Source: 50 Years of Bat Research. Fascinating Life Sciences (Springer)
Year: 2021

Combining tech mining and semantic TRIZ for technology assessment: Dye-sensitized solar cell as a case (FULL-TEXT)

In a competitive business environment, an early understanding of the dynamics of technological change is crucial to help policymakers and managers make better-informed decisions. Bibliometric analyses help in studying trends and technological evolution. Tech mining (text analyses of science and technology information resources) enhances Bibliometric analyses. However, more often than not, such analyses focus on a specific technological area, and mainly result in incremental advance forecasts. An analysis of the interconnected dynamics of technology change warrants new approaches for identifying technology emergence, technological substitution, and the influences of vital socioeconomic forces. This paper introduces a unique combination that applies a tech mining and semantic TRIZ as a case study to Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) technology. This methodological combination brings broader insights to the emergence of DSSC in conjunction with related technologies that affect its progress, enriching the associated technological progression’s empirical characterization.

  • Techmining-semantic TRIZ helps to understand the competition influence among technologies.
  • The understanding of the architectural design, the system, helps to clearly understand the role of the different components.
  • Understanding the components’ role in the system helps to guide the techmining analysis and to understand the different trends.
  • Using the S-AO and not the SAO problem solving, the present work is able to find other competing or not, technologies that help to understand if that will support the emergence of the original or the competing technology.
  • This cross-tech-components have different role in other architectures. Perovskites, enhance silicon solar cells efficiency. or download FULL-TEXT

Author(s):J.M. Vicente-Gomila, M.A. Artacho-Ramírez, Ma Ting, A.L.Porter
Organization(s):Universitat Politècnica de València, Beijing Institute of Technology, Search Technology
Source: Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Year: 2021

Organizational culture transformation model: Towards a high performance organization (FULL-TEXT)

The main objective of this research is to design an Organizational Culture Transformation Model (OCTM) prototype, in order to enable a High Performance Organization (HPO).There are three main processes involved in the methodology. Two of them, the definition of the main OCTM work elements as an initial hypothesis based on a work environment approach and the scientific visualization of the key Organizational Culture research hubs through the analysis of the main topics in research publications, flow in parallel. Subsequently, at a certain point, both of these merge in a third process, the OCTM prototype definition. This last process, will deliver the Organizational Culture Transformation Model prototype, which essentially constitutes the main objective of the study. As result of the methodology, an Organizational Culture Transformation Model prototype has been developed. The resulting model will serve as a reference framework for those companies that wish to conduct an in-depth re-structuring of their operations, focusing it on their human capital.

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Author(s):Asier Ipinazar, Enara Zarrabeitia, Rosa Maria Rio Belver, Itziar Martinez de Alegría
Organization(s):University of the Basque Country
Source: Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management
Year: 2021

The role of the electrical vehicle in sustainable supply chains: a review (FULL-TEXT)

Environmental concerns, such as global warming and scarcity of natural resources, pressure companies to develop and adopt cleaner technologies and production processes. Besides, the search for sustainable development (as recommended by Agenda 2030 from the United Nations) has made companies rethink their whole supply chain, including transport activities. Besides, governments have been proposing public policies to obtain positive impacts in the economic, social and environmental dimensions. In this context, many studies have pointed out that electric mobility is a sustainable alternative to the transport sector and, in many EU countries, the government has bet on subsidies to attract manufacturers and customers to this market. Therefore, this paper aims to identify the role of electric vehicles (EV) in sustainable supply chains, considering the articles published in the Web of Science (WoS) database. We realize that there is a low quantity of papers dedicated to investigating the EV in this context. Many papers claim to perform sustainable analysis but do not evaluate the triple bottom line’s three dimensions. Nevertheless, we identified that governments had developed policies to incentivize the introduction of electric vehicles in the market.

Available as FULL-TEXT

Author(s):Fernanda Helena Amaro Verneque, Pedro Henrique González Silva, Monica Alonso Martinez, Vanessa de Almeida Guimarães
Organization(s):Centro Federal de Educacao de Tecnologica Celso Suckow do Fonseca, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Source: Proceedings of the III Ibero-American Conference on Smart Cities (ICSC-CITIES2020)
Year: 2021

Leadership in Educational: A Systematic Review (FULL-TEXT)

The aim of this study is to show the extent to which different models of leadership in education are studied, including changes in the trends of research on each model over time, the most prominent scholars working on each model, and the countries in which the articles are based. The analysis of related literature was first conducted using a bibliometric analysis of research and review papers indexed in the Science Database Web between 1980 and 2014. A more in-depth analysis of the selected papers was then carried out using the content analysis method. Results have shown that there has been an increasing interest in educational research leadership models over time. Distributed leadership, educational leadership, teacher leadership and transformational leadership are the most studied leadership models in education research. It was also found that related research increasingly focuses on the impact of leaders on organizational behaviors/conditions and student achievement. As a result, the use of quantitative methodology has increased significantly over the last decade. Possible reasons for such changes, implications and recommendations for future research are also discussed.

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Author(s):Mehmet Toprak
Organization(s):Istanbul University
Source: International Journal of Educational Administration, Management, and Leadership (IJEAMaL)
Year: 2020

An Analysis of Collaboration Networks in Bioenergy: Using the ‘Bioen Program’ to Evaluate Sugarcane Ethanol Biomass (FULL-TEXT)

This paper analyzes the network of scientific collaboration in sugarcane biomass. The impact of the FAPESP research program on bioenergy (BIOEN) is also analyzed, with a focus on the division of biomass and its
subareas. Using detailed information from scientific articles in the subareas of Enzymatic hydrolysis, molecular markers, delignification, genotypes, enzymatic conversion, gene expression, nitrogen and photosynthesis, an evaluation of the international insertion of research and collaboration networks of Brazilian researchers is carried out. The methodologyconsists of the formation of clusters of publications indexed on the ISI Web of Science database. The selection of publications is guided by search queries based on keywords related to the subareas of biomass division. The software programs VantagePoint and Pajek are used to support the analysis of the information. The principle objective of the study is to identify the global incorporation of efforts to generate knowledge in sugarcane biomass carried out by BIOEN. Through an analysis of the indicators, it was possible to identify a number of factors related to scientific collaboration in the area of biomass, such as geographic distance, area with the greatest contribution in a determined field of study, and the dynamics of scientific collaboration between countries. An analysis of the biomass division of BIOEN, from a global perspective, showed little cooperation between Latin American countries. The results illustrate that Brazil generates the greatest amount of scientific knowledge regarding sugarcane biomass. However, when the subareas are analyzed separately, scientific publications from the US and China are also dominant

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Author(s): Carolina da Silveira Bueno, José Maria Ferreira Jardim da Silveira, Roney Fraga Souza, Jaim José da Silva Júnior
Organization(s): UNICAMP, UFMT, UNB
Source: RASI (Revista de Administracao, Sociedade e Inovacao)
Year: 2021

Technology Roadmapping Using Text Mining: A Foresight Study for the Retail Industry (FULL-TEXT)

Technology roadmapping is a widely accepted method for offering industry foresight as it supports strategic innovation management and identifies the potential application of emerging technologies. While roadmapping applications have been implemented across different technologies and industries, prior studies have not addressed the potential application of emerging technologies in the retail industry. Furthermore, few studies have examined service-oriented technologies by a roadmapping method. Methodologically, there are limited roadmapping studies that implement both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Hence, this article aims to offer a foresight for future technologies in the retailing industry using an integrated roadmapping method. To achieve this, we used a sequential method that consisted of both text mining and an expert review process. Our results show clear directions for the future of emerging technologies as the industry moves toward unmanned retail operations. We generate eight clusters of technologies and integrate them into a roadmapping model, illustrating their links to the market and business requirements. Our study has a number of implications and identifies potential bottlenecks between the integration of front- and back-end solutions for the future of unmanned retailing.

10.1109/TEM.2021.3068310 or FULL-TEXT found HERE

Author(s): Sercan Ozcan; Amir Homayounfard; Christopher Simms; Jahangir Wasim
Organization(s): University of Portsmouth, University of Essex, Robert Gordon University
Source: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
Year: 2021

The nature of rapid response to COVID-19 in Latin America: an examination of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico (FULL-TEXT)

The coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) pandemic mobilized the international scientific community in the search for its cure and containment. The purpose of this paper is to examine the nature of the rapid response to the COVID-19 of the scientific community in selected Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico) in the period running from January to August 2020. Rapid response is reconceptualized from its original meaning in health policy, as the swift mobilization of existing scientific resources to address an emergency (DeVita et al., 2017). The paper explores the rapid response of the Argentinian, Brazilian, Chilean, Colombian and Mexican scientific communities from the perspective of bibliometric and altmetric data. The authors will examine scientific publications indexed to the Web of Science (WoS) dealing with COVID-19. Besides patterns of scientific output and impact as measured by citations, the authors complement the analysis with altmetric analysis. The aim is to verify whether or not factors that explain the extent of scientific impact can also be identified with respect to the wider impact made evident by altmetric indicators (Haustein, 2016). The authors identified a somewhat limited response of the Argentinian, Brazilian, Chilean, Colombian and Mexican scientific communities to COVID-19 in terms of quantity of publications. The authorship of publications in the topic of COVID-19 was associated with authorship of publications dealing with locally relevant diseases. Some factors appear to contribute to visibility of scientific outputs. Papers that involved wider international collaborations and authors with previous publications in arboviruses were associated with higher levels of citations. Previous work on arbovirus was also associated with higher altmetric attention. The country of origin of authors exerted a positive effect on altmetric indicators. A limitation in the analysis is that, due to the nature of the data source (WoS), the authors were unable to verify the career status and the productivity of the authors in the sample. Nonetheless, the results appear to suggest that there is some overlapping in authors conducting research in Arboviruses and COVID-19. Career status and productivity should be the focus of future research. In the context of countries with limited scientific resources, like the ones investigated in our Latin American sample, previous efforts in the study of locally relevant diseases may contribute to the creation of an expertise that can be applied when a health emergency brings about a novel disease. ResearchGate has FULL-TEXT

Author(s): Janaina Pamplona da Costa, André Luiz Sica de Campos, Paulo Roberto Cintra, Liz Felix Greco, Johan Hendrik Poker
Organization(s): State University of Campinas
Source: Online Information Review
Year: 2021