The article contains analysis of renewed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the period up to 2030, characteristic of the development of cooperation among BRICS countries during Russia’s chairmanship in the union. It also relates to specific features of interaction of BRICS countries on environmental SDGs. Special attention is paid to the issue of climate change and its consequences in light of the decisions of Paris summit of 2015. In particular the article focuses on goals and tasks of BRICS countries related to climate change and response to it, decreasing emissions of greenhouse gases. The authors also consider the issues of and prospects for using renewable energy sources by BRICS countries, development of cooperation within the framework of BRICS Initiative on research and innovation .Qualitative approach is based on the literature review and consultations with the experts, while quantitative analysis includes collecting the news from Factiva database and processing it in Vantage Point software using bibliometric analysis and natural language processing.
Author(s): Korobov NL, Terentyev AA
Organization: National Research University Higher School of Economics
Source: BRICS Countries: development strategies and mechanisms for coordination and cooperation in a changing world. Proceedings of the First International Scientific and Practical Conference, INION, 2-3 November 2015
Year: 2016