Targeted genetic modification (TagMo) technologies are being used for new approaches to genetic engineering often called ‘genome editing’. These approaches are in the early stages of development, and basic understandings of what TagMo is, of its likely future, and how it should be governed are still being established. In order to inform these discussions and increase their transparency, we map the scientific landscape of TagMo using advances in tech mining and bibliometrics and in consultation with experts in the field. We assess the sub-topics and disciplines associated with TagMo research, and the actors, institutions, and nations involved, while making observations about the funding of research and the collaborative patterns among actors. The technology assessment approach used in this article has important implications for anticipatory governance of TagMo plant products. It is designed to help scientists, managers, and policy-makers understand trends in TagMo technological development in order to prepare for future governance.
Author(s): Aliya Kuzhabekova and Jennifer Kuzma
Organization(s): Nazarbayev University and North Carolina State University
Source: Technology Analysis and Strategic Management
Year: 2013