The international scientific community considers Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) as one of the main themes related to innovation and economic development. This article presents a review based on Scopus and ISI Web of Knowledge databases, on the KIBS topic in the world, considering the period 2000-2017. The study aimed to understand the role of KIBS in regional development, and they were considered in their roles as innovations’ attributes and resources, methodologies and tools for innovation management, transfer, knowledge diffusion and networks. They concentrate in the areas of business, management and economics, developing approaches to seek innovation, competitiveness and economic development.
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Author(s): Ronnie Figueiredo, Osvaldo Quelhas, Júlio Vieira Neto, João J. Ferreira
Organization(s): Universidade Beira Interior – UBI, Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF
Source: Gestão & Produção
Year: 2019