Tag Archives: innovation systems

Innovation core, innovation semi-periphery and technology transfer: The case of wind energy patents

Some scholars have pointed to a rise of South-South technological transfer led by emerging economies such as China, India, Brazil and South Africa while other scholars highlight that emerging economies still need to catch up with developed countries. Drawing on world system’s theory, we argue that an adapted innovation framework of ‘core – semi-periphery – periphery’ could be an important analytical framework that may help us understand the process of innovation catch up. This may help specifically to better understand how an emerging economy can at least in theory have sectors that could be defined as innovation core and source for technology transfer. We will look at wind energy as North American, European, Indian and Chinese firms dominate the market. This study used citation network analysis and patent analysis to analyse knowledge flows between wind firms and to identify and compare the position and role of each firm in the knowledge network. We argue that there is still, despite catching up, a difference between innovation core countries (US, Germany, Denmark) and innovation semi-periphery (China, India) which will limit the opportunities of knowledge transfer within the sector of wind energy.


Author(s): Johan Nordensvard, Yuan Zhou, Xiao Zhang
Organization(s): University of Southampton, Tsinghua University
Source: Energy Policy
Year: 2018

Visualizing the intellectual structure and evolution of innovation systems research: a bibliometric analysis

Despite increasing awareness of the need to trace the trajectory of innovation system research, so far little attention has been given to quantitative depiction of the evolution of this fast-moving research field. This paper uses CiteSpace to demonstrate visually intellectual structures and developments. The study uses citation analysis to detect and visualize disciplinary distributions, keyword co-word networks and journal cocitation networks, highly cited references, as well as highly cited authors to identify intellectual turning points, pivotal points and emerging trends, in innovation systems system research from 1975 to 2012. As with other science mapping software tools (eg, Bibexcel and VantagePoint), CiteSpace can be used to produce and analyze co-occurrence network of key words and subject categories (co-word analysis), and co-citation networks of authors, documents and journals.

Author(s): Zhigao Liu, Yimei Yin, Weidong Liu, and Michael Dunford
Organization(s): Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Union University, University of Sussex
Source: Scientometrics
Year: 2015