This Web of Science import filter is optimized for WoS v 5.21 and later
Download: Web of Science
This Web of Science import filter is optimized for WoS v 5.21 and later
Download: Web of Science
Click here for dataset ABI Inform Instructions
Download the .conf file and save in Program Files>VantagePoint>Import Filters folder.
Download ABI Inform
Import filter available for the RIS export format from the Publish or Perish software . Can be used for Google Scholar data downloaded using Publish or Perish application.
These import filters were updated March 2023.
Download SCOPUS (CSV) import filter
This is the PREFERRED format for VantagePoint analysis. Records in CSV are the richest in content, and include fields not available in the RIS export.
Download SCOPUS (RIS) import filter
This format is NOT RECOMMENDED. – Records in RIS format are an easy-to-read “Raw Record”, but many fields are not exportable. CSV format should be preferred.
This import filter is for DWI from ISI Web of Knowledge. Dataset must be in Field-Tagged Text format. Save in Program Files>VantagePoint>Import Filters folder.
This import filter is for DWPI data from STN database. Notes: Includes WPIX, WPIDS, and WPINDEX, and all family member fields. Save import filter in Program Files>VantagePoint>Import Filters folder.
This import filter is for Questel-Orbit Derwent World Patent Index datasets. Note: file must be .txt. Save import filter in the Program Files>VantagePoint>Import Filters folder on your computer.
This import filter is for importing DWPI datasets downloaded in XML format from DialogLinks. It should be saved in the Program Files>VantagePoint>Import Filters folder on your computer.
See Datasheet:…products/ovidguide/medline.htm
Use Medlars format
See Datasheet:…products/ovidguide/embase.htm
Use Medlars format