Over the years, has been growing policies aiming to reduce the greenhouses gases emissions – GHG, which lead for the searching of sustainable alternative solutions. One way mitigates the GHG emissions is the use of renewable energy sources. Nevertheless, for the use of such resources there are a series of processes inherent to the energy production and consumption, being the supply chain one of the principals. Based on this, the main objective of present article is to map the role of renewable energies inside the context of sustainable supply chain, observing how the studies have been developed, looking for the main researchers, organizations and collaboration networks, being at final a mapping of the 15 most cited studies in area. The research was carried out with the papers published at Web of Science database, using VantagePoint software to quantify the information’s, including the evolution of studies over time until 2019. It was possible to perceive that the research has been growing since 2010, moreover, subjects related to biomass, biofuels and photovoltaic energy were the most recurrent at the most cited. However, within this framework, the theme presented itself as new and that there are still great potentials to be explored.
Author(s): Eduardo do Carmo Marques, Maxwel de Azevedo-Ferreira, Luis Hernández-Callejo, Ronney Mancebo Boloy, Vanessa de Almeida Guimarães
Organization: Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca,Instituto Federal de Educação e Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio de Janeiro, Universidad de Valladolid
Source: Proceedings of the III Ibero-American Conference on Smart Cities (ICSC-2020)
Year: 2021