For “Newly Emerging Science & Technologies” (“NESTs”), uncertainty is the major challenge. Technological innovation for NESTs faces many kinds of risks that dramatically affect their development paths. This chapter combines methods of risk utility theory and technology path research and explores a new innovation risk path modeling method for NEST development. Continue reading Identifying innovation risk path for a newly emerging science & technology: Dye-sensitized solar cells
Tag Archives: FTA
Design of TOD Model for Information Analysis and Future Prediction
Analyzing mass information and supporting insight based on analysis results are very important work but it needs much effort and time. Information analysis and future prediction about science and IT filed data are also very critical tasks for researchers, government officers, businessman, etc. Therefore, in this paper, we propose technology opportunity discovery (TOD) model based on feature selection and decision making for effective, systematic, and objective information analysis and future forecasting of science and IT field. Continue reading Design of TOD Model for Information Analysis and Future Prediction