Additive manufacturing technologies have the potential to change the paradigm of manufacturing. In this scenario, the main objective of this research work is to gain, through a patent study, an overall view of the trends of laser-based additive manufacturing technologies. The database used in order to retrieve patent information is Patseer and the data have been analyzed through the text mining and analytics package called VantagePoint. From the data obtained it can be concluded that, Laser-based additive manufacturing is an emerging technology with huge market potential. Undoubtedly, China is the prime mover of basic research in this technology development. However, Germany and the United States are the ones who are developing the market applications.
Author(s): Enara Zarrabeitia, Iñaki Bildosola, Rosa María Río Belver, Izaskun Alvarez, Ernesto Cilleruelo-Carrasco
Organization(s): University of the Basque Country
Source: Engineering Digital Transformation. Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering. Springer, Cham
Year: 2018